
Download Subject Material

Points Related To The Subject Material

Dear Students Please consider the below for Your Subject Material.

  • All VCE students are advised to sum up all the Subject Problems an queries prior to their session.
  • All Students Enrolled from United states(USA)are suggested to keep their Logon details handy for the Instant access to their prescribed online text or curriculam set by their school to go through during the tutoring sessions.
  • All Students following NCERT/IEEE/ICSE curriculam are advised to keep a record of thir prescribed text and other online matter if available else those students can request for the direct access to the online eBooks from their tutor.
  • All the students can also save their work done during the tutoring sessions on the Groupworld as well for the future reference, which may provide a great help to understand a particular topic and raise further queries.
  • Students can also email their questions or any subject problems to their respective tutors in the form of scanned documents or screens taken of the topic to discuss with their tutors. This enhances the performance and learning.
  • No more stars will be awarded to the good students, and to those with no mistakes in their work. Before the limit was 35 , the new and updated limit suggested by a very special student now the star limit is 60 but if you get one question wrong you get one star taken away don’t you think your so smart the teacher will make count for every student this is for you own cause.